Friendly Staff, Beautiful Smiles,
Welcoming Environment
Even though baby teeth will eventually be lost, they have several important functions. Baby teeth help your child develop proper speech and chewing habits. This assists them with early socialization and digestion.
Additionally, baby teeth act as placeholders for adult teeth. A baby tooth lost too soon may prompt your Colorado Springs, CO dentist to use a placeholder to ensure proper eruption of the adult tooth later.
Baby teeth are also where your child first develops good brushing habits, preparing him to take great care of their adult teeth later.
At Springs Family Dental, a member of our team or your child’s dentist can help you instill great brushing habits in your child, beginning with the baby teeth. We can also provide tips to help you help your child.
Our team will also encourage your child to develop healthy habits early.
If you would have any questions about children’s dentistry in Colorado Springs, CO, contact our dental team today. If you would like to schedule an exam for your child, get in touch with a member of our team.
We can’t wait to meet you and your child at Springs Family Dental.